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Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Daughtry - Life After You

is there anybody hates tomyam???  yes you are..............whatever.. today, my mum has made hot spicy tomyam...yeah,,, i know,,, you want it...just move on men!!! haha...there are chilies, chicken, shrimps, cuttlefish,,
mushrooms,, carrots, beef,, and some more!! what else do wanna about tom yam?  should i googled ot for you? just do it by yourself!!  hehe..  one thing that i like about tom yam is that it is very nutritious, less carbohydrate..ok fine!! i wanna go to college.. i am very very very boring right now..  yet,,  i can be a psycho!!

enjoy your meal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!haha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. ok..nk komen la nih..lapaq wei tgk makanan..xde tomyam kt sni...waaa..

  2. haha..ksian hg..nnti aku masak skit bgi kt hg..haha
